Welcome to the Bay Village Climate Literacy Homepage
2018 Workshop Resources
- Blank logic model - choose FILE....COPY to make your own version http://bit.ly/BlankLogicModel
- Holden Arboretum Homepage http://www.holdenarb.org/
- Lake Erie Nature and Science Center Homepage http://www.lensc.org/
- Contact Info for workshop leaders:
- Sharon Graper sgraper@holdenarb.org
- Darci Sanders darcij0207@outlook.com
- Char Shryock char.shryock@bayschoolsohio.org
- Sue Bixler bixler.42@osu.edu (Climate Literacy Walk)
- General Resources:
- National Center for Science Education http://www.ncse.com/classroom-
resources Educational resources and suggestions on dealing with difficult issues such as Climate Change and Evolution - National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation http://climateinterpreter.org/
resource/changing-climate- conversation-metaphor-and- value-reframe-cards
Day 1 Bay Village - Westerly Elementary School
- Introduction: What is Climate Literacy?
- Overview Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ffjIyms1BX4 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2euBvdP28c
- Climate Literacy Components https://www.climate.gov/teaching/essential-principles-climate-literacy/essential-principles-climate-literacy
- Activity 1: Stanford Climate Lessons - MS/HS - Impact Data
- Elementary Alternative: Climate Change and the Polar Regions - OSU
- http://beyondpenguins.ehe.osu.edu/issue/climate-change-and-the-polar-regions/
- stories for students - printable or electronic grades k-5
- Beyond Penguins and Polar Bears Thematic Modules
- Building Text Sets for Climate Literacy
- Activity 2A: Climate Change - Through Music
- Climate Change Music Project https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=RGxYqAgyPak
- Lulie the Iceberg
- Daniel Crawford - String Quartet https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/this-song-composed-from-133-years-climate-change-data-180956225/
- Climate tuned to data https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONuA9HmkF3M
- Activity 2B Climate Change - Through Art
- https://artistsandclimatechange.com/
- https://www.outsideonline.com/2229726/these-artists-are-trying-make-climate-change-feel-visceral
- https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/these-watercolor-paintings-actually-include-climate-change-data-180958374/
- http://www.pbs.org/education/blog/exploring-climate-change-through-art-in-the-science-classroom
- Paint for the Planet https://kids.nationalgeographic.com/explore/nature/paint-for-the-planet/#Regional_winner_Europe_Valli_Greece_FRONT.jpg
- Activity 3: Climate Mitigation
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1NQy0TdO46XXnUOyn93EQsa7twc8D0hvwXvu5VI-MUGw/edit?usp=sharing
- Activity 4 Climate Change and the Great Lakes
- Data https://www.epa.gov/climate-indicators/great-lakes
- Indicators http://glisa.umich.edu/climate
- Ohio State Sea Grant - https://ohioseagrant.osu.edu/
- Ohio State Stone Lab homepage https://stonelab.osu.edu/
- CoastWatch Satellite images of Lake Erie - algae, ice https://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/modis.php?region=e
- How do we mitigate this? What will the drivers/opportunities be for creative change?
- Activity 6: Citizen Science - Climate Projects Zooniverse
Park in the Garage - take the ticket and bring it to Sharon
We will be meeting in one of the classrooms - the attendant will buzz you into the building
Focus - Urban forestry, Carbon Sequestration, Planting trees correctly
Lunch - kitchen garden oven is open
Afternoon - additional class activities
Day 3: Water Treatment Plant - Sharon will be sending an exact address to the Water Treatment Lab then go to the Watership Stewardship Center ( Parma)
Lunch - on your own - on the way
2017 Workshop Resources
Climate Change: The Science and Connections Between Your Community and Your Classroom.
- Blank logic model - choose FILE....COPY to make your own version http://bit.ly/BlankLogicModel
- Holden Arboretum Homepage http://www.holdenarb.org/
- Lake Erie Nature and Science Center Homepage http://www.lensc.org/
- Contact Info for workshop leaders:
- Sharon Graper sgraper@holdenarb.org
- Darci Sanders darci@lensc.org
- Char Shryock char.shryock@bayschoolsohio.org
- General Resources:
- National Center for Science Education http://www.ncse.com/classroom-
resources Educational resources and suggestions on dealing with difficult issues such as Climate Change and Evolution - National Network for Ocean and Climate Change Interpretation http://climateinterpreter.org/
resource/changing-climate- conversation-metaphor-and- value-reframe-cards
- Day 1 Holden Arboretum
- The Incredible Carbon Journey
- Why Climate Change Climate Generation Activity [https://www.climategen.org/]
- Climate Generation Curriculum page https://www.climategen.org/what-we-do/education/climate-change-and-energy-curricula/curricula-resources-search/
- NOAA lesson page https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/discoverclimate/
- Materials: Carbon Cycle model using chenille sticks, pony beads, bins, decision cubes
- Focus - how the carbon cycle authentically works in the environment
- Think about how you can have students talk about patterns they see, what would happen pre-post industrial age.
- Talking about Climate vs Weather
- Great video showing statistical difference https://www.climategen.org/what-we-do/education/climate-change-and-energy-curricula/curriculum-guides/next-generation-climate-for-grades-6-8/online-connections/
- Ice and The Sky - film on antarctic ice core research https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpZYkNkkiTg
- Ice Cores and Long term data patterns
- Directions to make ice cores from the Ohio State Byrd Polar Research Center https://bpcrc.osu.edu/create-classroom-ice-cores
- All education resources from OSU Byrd Polar Research https://bpcrc.osu.edu/educators
- Research on Oxygen isotopes in ice cores https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Features/Paleoclimatology_OxygenBalance/
- Other websites
- https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/
- 6 graphics that explain global climate change - BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/resources/idt-5aceb360-8bc3-4741-99f0-2e4f76ca02bb
- Trees and Climate Change
- Article on Cleveland Tree Plan http://www.cleveland.com/architecture/index.ssf/2016/03/planning_commission_approves_a.html
- I-Tree online tool https://www.itreetools.org/
- Research at Holden Arboretum http://www.holdenarb.org/research/
- Tree Benefit Calculators http://www.holdenarb.org/horticulture/calculate-the-value-of-a-tree/
- Casey Tree Curriculum https://caseytrees.org/education/
- Climate Change Tree Atlas https://www.fs.fed.us/nrs/atlas/
- Day 2 Cleveland Botanical Garden
- Carbon Footprint Calculator https://www3.epa.gov/carbon-footprint-calculator/
- Project Budburst http://budburst.org/
- Gas Unit Conversions https://www.eia.gov/tools/faqs/faq.php?id=45&t=8
- Scientific Unit Conversion Calculator http://www.unitconverters.net/
- EIA Energy Kids Unit Converter https://www.eia.gov/kids/energy.cfm?page=about_energy_conversion_calculator-basics#natgascalc
- Natural Gas Unit Converter https://www.easycalculation.com/unit-conversion/mcf-therms-conversion.php
- How much carbon is sequestered in a tree https://scied.ucar.edu/sites/default/files/images/long-content-page/Carbon%2BStored%2Bin%2BTrees%2Bby%2BSize-Table.pdf
- Global Footprint Center
- http://www.footprintnetwork.org/resources/footprint-calculator/
- Ohio’s big tree program
- http://forestry.ohiodnr.gov/bigtree
- How to measure the height of the tree
- http://www.saps.org.uk/attachments/article/141/SAPS_How_to_find_the_height_of_a_tree.pdf
- How much carbon does a tree use in a year https://www.broward.org/NaturalResources/ClimateChange/Documents/Calculating%20CO2%20Sequestration%20by%20Trees.pdf
Afternoon Phenology - Pollenators, Ants, and Partnership
- Rocky Mt Biological Lab Data Sets http://www.digitalrmbl.org/case-studies/bcc_datavisualizer/
- USA phenology network
- https://www.usanpn.org/
- Start collecting data around your schoolyard and collect phenology data- look for patterns, look for partnership emergence/appearance.
- Journey North http://learner.org/jnorth/
- Magee Marsh Warbler Data http://www.mageemarsh.org/logistics.html
- Ohio State University Phenology Calculator - by calendar date https://www.oardc.ohio-state.edu/gdd/default.asp
- OSU Extension - Coshocton County Pollinator Monitoring https://coshocton.osu.edu/program-areas/master-gardener-volunteers/phenology-garden-and-pollinator-monitoring
Day 3 Lake Erie - Bay Village Police Station Community Center
- Ohio Sea Grant
- Ohio Dept of Natural History - Office of Coastal Management
- http://coastal.ohiodnr.gov/lakeerieliteracy
- http://coastal.ohiodnr.gov/erosion
- http://coastal.ohiodnr.gov/ceamaps
- http://geosurvey.ohiodnr.gov/lake-erie-geology/facts
- Precipitation Changes in the Great Lakes
- Real -Time Data and Citizen Science Sites https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9B3v9o2K7IlSGVNSnNPMUZEd0k/view?usp=sharing
- Zooniverse.org - create an account https://www.zooniverse.org/
- Journey North - https://www.learner.org/jnorth/
- Cuyahoga County Soil and Water Conservation District
- Lake Erie Watershed Alliance http://www2.erie.gov/environment/index.php?q=lake-erie-watershed-protection-alliance
- Lesson Resources :
- Who moved the beach https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/education/lessons/who_moved_the_beach.html
- All curriculum from Ohio Sea Grant
- University of Toledo Lake Erie Resource Lessons http://www.utoledo.edu/nsm/lec/gk12_grant/Lesson_Plans.html
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